Custom Built Twin Cedar Driveway Entrance Gates and Solid Panel Cedar Fence installation services.

Our client asked us to provide options for the front of the twin driveway entrances to their property. After some deliberating we came up with the design to provide easy access for each driveway by installing large custom built cedar swing gates as well as closing in the front of the property between the driveways with a solid cedar fence panel installation. We began by excavating extra large supports for the concrete footings necessary to support the posts and oversized twin cedar gates for each driveway. We then custom built the 4 gates onsite to fit each driveways specifications, one being an asphalt base and the other having a lower gravel base to be built up by the client bringing in more material. Afterwards we mounted and balanced the gates for proper alignment and functionality. Finally we closed in the section between the driveways with solid cedar fence panels to provide privacy and security.